
Stranco’s Commitment to Safety in the Oil & Gas and Industrial Industry

At Stranco, safety is at the core of our operations. With over 40 years of combined experience in the oil and gas industry, we recognize that providing a safe environment for our employees, customers, and visitors is our primary mission.

Our Safety Mission Statement

Providing a safe environment for our employees, our customers, and our visitors is a primary mission for all of us at Stranco. We will endeavor to eliminate unsafe conditions and minimize related risks by identifying and supporting safe work practices, promoting safety awareness, furnishing necessary tools and protective equipment, and providing employee training and education, We will work together to protect our customers, each other, and ourselves by promoting a culture of shared responsibility with collaborative program development and the open exchange of suggestions, ideas, and concerns. Our mission benefits everyone by minimizing exposures, reducing injuries, preventing property damage, and enhancing the environment at Stranco.

Industry Certifications and Compliance

Management Engagement and Safety Programs

Third-Party Compliance Providers

Training and Empowering Our Workforce

Empowering Employees to Prioritize Safety

OQSG and Veriforce are databases we utilize to verify requirements and certifications for specific services, ensuring compliance and safety on every job.

Rigorous Employee Training Programs

All of our employees undergo drug and alcohol testing through DISA, which clients can access if they wish to review our program.

Partner with Stranco for Safe, Reliable Service